403 lines
6.5 KiB
403 lines
6.5 KiB
# JOE syntax highlight file for Rust
=Number +Constant
=Boolean +Constant
=String +Constant
=StringEscape +Escape
=Character +Constant
=CharacterEscape +Escape
=Operator +Keyword
=Statement +Keyword
=Conditional +Statement
=Loop +Statement
=StorageClass +Type +Keyword
=Structure +Statement
:pre_idle Idle
* NULL noeat call=.rust()
.subr rust
# #! allowed on first line
:idle Idle
* idle
"{}" brace recolor=-1
"0" zero recolor=-1
"1-9" decimal recolor=-1
"." decimal_point recolor=-1
"\"" string recolor=-1
"'" char recolor=-1
"/" slash recolor=-1
"\i" ident buffer
:slash Idle
* idle noeat
"*" comment recolor=-2
"/" line_comment recolor=-2
:brace Brace
* idle noeat
:comment Comment comment
* comment
"BFHNTX" comment noeat call=comment_todo.comment_todo()
"*" maybe_end_comment
:maybe_end_comment Comment comment
* comment noeat
"/" idle
:line_comment Comment comment
* line_comment
"BFHNTX" line_comment noeat call=comment_todo.comment_todo()
"\n" idle
# Numbers
:bad_number Bad
* idle noeat
"0-9" bad_number
:zero Number
* idle noeat
"b" binary
"o" octal
"x" hex
"." float
"eE" epart
"0-9" decimal recolor=-1
"ui" int_suffix
"f" float_suffix
:decimal_point Number
* idle noeat recolor=-2
"0-9" float
:octal Number
* idle noeat
"0-7_" octal
"89" bad_number recolor=-1
"ui" int_suffix
:binary Number
* idle noeat
"01_" binary
"2-9" bad_number recolor=-1
"ui" int_suffix
:hex Number
* idle noeat
"0-9A-Fa-f_" hex
"ui" int_suffix
:decimal Number
* idle noeat
"0-9_" decimal
"eE" epart
"." float
"ui" int_suffix
"f" float_suffix
:float Number
* idle noeat
"eE" epart
"0-9_" float
"ui" int_suffix
"f" float_suffix
:epart Number
* idle noeat
"0-9+\-" enum
:enum Number
* idle noeat
"0-9_" enum
"ui" int_suffix
"f" float_suffix
:float_suffix Number
* bad_number noeat recolor=-1
"3" float_suffix_1
"6" float_suffix_2
:float_suffix_1 Number
* bad_number noeat recolor=-1
"2" idle
:float_suffix_2 Number
* bad_number noeat recolor=-1
"4" idle
:int_suffix Number
* bad_number noeat recolor=-1
"3" int_suffix_1
"6" int_suffix_2
"s" int_suffix_3
:int_suffix_1 Number
* bad_number noeat recolor=-1
"2" idle
:int_suffix_2 Number
* bad_number noeat recolor=-1
"4" idle
:int_suffix_3 Number
* bad_number noeat recolor=-2
"i" int_suffix_4
:int_suffix_4 Number
* bad_number noeat recolor=-3
"z" int_suffix_5
:int_suffix_5 Number
* bad_number noeat recolor=-4
"e" idle
# strings like "hello"
:string String string
* string
"\"" idle
"\\" string_escape recolor=-1
:string_escape StringEscape string
* string
"x" string_hex2
"u" string_maybe_uni
:string_maybe_uni StringEscape string
* string noeat
"{" string_uni
:string_uni StringEscape string
* string_uni
"}" string
:string_hex2 StringEscape string
* string noeat
"0-9a-fA-F" string_hex1
:string_hex1 StringEscape string
* string noeat
"0-9a-fA-F" string
# character constants like 'h'
:char Character string
* char_done
"\\" char_escape recolor=-1
:char_done Character string
* idle noeat recolor=-3
"\'" idle
:char_escape CharacterEscape string
* char_done noeat
"x" char_hex2
"u" char_maybe_uni
:char_maybe_uni CharacterEscape string
* char_done noeat
"{" char_uni
:char_uni CharacterEscape string
* char_uni
"}" char_done
:char_hex2 CharacterEscape string
* char_done noeat
"0-9a-fA-F" char_hex1
:char_hex1 CharacterEscape string
* char_done noeat
"0-9a-fA-F" char
# Raw strings like r"hello" or r##"hello, "world""##
# The number of #'s is technically unbounded, but we'll limit to 4.
:raw_string_pre Ident
* ident noeat
"\"" raw_string_0 recolor=-2
"#" raw_string_pre_1 recolor=-2
:raw_string_pre_1 String string
* raw_string_bad recolor=-3
"\"" raw_string_1
"#" raw_string_pre_2
:raw_string_pre_2 String string
* raw_string_bad recolor=-4
"\"" raw_string_2
"#" raw_string_pre_3
:raw_string_pre_3 String string
* raw_string_bad recolor=-5
"\"" raw_string_3
"#" raw_string_pre_4
:raw_string_pre_4 String string
* raw_string_bad recolor=-6
"#\"" raw_string_4 # More than 4? too bad.
:raw_string_0 String string
* raw_string_0
"\"" idle
:raw_string_1 String string
* raw_string_1
"\"" raw_string_end_1
:raw_string_2 String string
* raw_string_2
"\"" raw_string_end_2 buffer
:raw_string_3 String string
* raw_string_3
"\"" raw_string_end_3 buffer
:raw_string_4 String string
* raw_string_4
"\"" raw_string_end_4 buffer
:raw_string_end_1 String string
* raw_string_1 noeat
"#" idle
:raw_string_end_2 String string
* raw_string_2 noeat strings
"\"##" raw_string_end
"#" raw_string_end_2
:raw_string_end_3 String string
* raw_string_3 noeat strings
"\"###" raw_string_end
"#" raw_string_end_3
:raw_string_end_4 String string
* raw_string_4 noeat strings
"\"####" raw_string_end
"#" raw_string_end_4
:raw_string_end String string
* idle noeat
:raw_string_bad Bad
* idle noeat
# Byte string literals b"foo bar"
:byte_string_pre Ident
* ident noeat recolor=-1
"\"" string recolor=-2
# Raw byte string literals br"hello world" and br###"Hello, "world""###
:raw_byte_string_pre Ident
* ident noeat
"\"" raw_string_0 recolor=-3
"#" raw_string_pre_1 recolor=-3
# Identifiers
:ident Ident
* idle noeat strings
"abstract" storage
"alignof" kw
"as" operator
"become" kw
"box" kw
"break" loop
"const" storage
"continue" loop
"crate" kw
"do" loop
"else" cond
"enum" struct
"extern" storage
"false" bool
"final" storage
"fn" struct
"for" loop
"if" cond
"impl" kw
"in" operator
"let" kw
"loop" loop
"macro" kw
"match" kw
"mod" kw # operator?
"move" kw
"mut" kw
"offsetof" kw
"override" storage
"priv" storage
"proc" kw
"pub" storage
"pure" storage
"ref" kw
"return" stmt
"Self" kw
"self" kw
"sizeof" kw # operator?
"static" storage
"struct" struct
"super" kw
"trait" kw
"true" bool
"type" kw
"typeof" kw # operator?
"unsafe" storage
"unsized" kw # storage?
"use" kw
"virtual" storage
"where" kw
"while" loop
"yield" stmt
# String/byte prefixes
"r" raw_string_pre
"b" byte_string_pre
"br" raw_byte_string_pre
"\c" ident
:kw Keyword
* idle noeat
:lit Constant
* idle noeat
:bool Boolean
* idle noeat
:operator Operator
* idle noeat
:storage StorageClass
* idle noeat
:cond Conditional
* idle noeat
:loop Loop
* idle noeat
:struct Structure
* idle noeat