340 lines
5.5 KiB
340 lines
5.5 KiB
# JOE syntax highlight file for PHP
# modified by Eric Lin
# * heredoc support (as good as possible)
# * highlight function and class names?
# Define colors
=Number +Constant
=String +Constant
=StringEscape +Escape
=Character +Constant
=CharacterEscape +Escape
=Boolean +Constant
=Variable +DefinedIdent
=Builtin +DefinedFunc
=Operator +Keyword
=Statement +Keyword
=Conditional +Statement
=Loop +Statement
=Structure +Statement
=Label +DefinedIdent
=StorageClass +Type +Keyword
# Call HTML highlighter. It will call the PHP highlighter subroutine in this file.
:begin Idle
* call_failed noeat call=html.html(php)
:call_failed Variable
* call_failed
# PHP highlighter.
.subr php
:idle Idle
* idle
"<" idle_done
"?" idle_qmark
"%" idle_hash
"#" sh_comment recolor=-1
"/" slash
"0-9" first_digit recolor=-1
"'" string_sq recolor=-1
"\"" string_dq recolor=-1
"\`" string_bq recolor=-1
"\i" ident buffer
"$" php_var recolor=-1
"-" maybe_method
"{}" brace recolor=-1
:idle_done Idle
* idle noeat
"/" idle noeat recolor=-2 return
"<" idle_here
:idle_here Idle
* idle noeat
"<" here_doc
:here_doc Idle
* idle noeat
" " here_doc
"\i" here_name buffer
:here_name Idle
* inhere_doc save_s
"\c" here_name
:inhere_doc Constant
* inhere_not_eol
"\n" inhere_doc
"\i" inhere_name buffer
:inhere_not_eol Constant
* inhere_not_eol
"\n" inhere_doc
:inhere_name Constant
* inhere_doc
";" inhere_doc strings
"&" idle
"\c" inhere_name
:brace Builtin
* idle noeat
:php_var Variable
* idle noeat
"\c" php_var
:var_indqstring Variable
* string_dq recolor=-1
"\i" var_indqstringr
"\"" string_dq noeat
"\\" string_dq_esc recolor=-1
:var_indqstringr Variable
* string_dq recolor=-1
"\c" var_indqstringr
"\"" string_dq noeat
"\\" string_dq_esc recolor=-1
:var_inbqstring Variable
* string_bq recolor=-1
"\i" var_inbqstringr
"\`" string_bq noeat
"\\" string_bq_esc recolor=-1
:var_inbqstringr Variable
* string_bq recolor=-1
"\c" var_inbqstringr
"\`" string_bq noeat
"\\" string_bq_esc recolor=-1
:maybe_method Builtin
* idle recolor=-1
"?" idle_qmark
"%" idle_hash
"#" sh_comment recolor=-1
"/" slash
"0-9" first_digit recolor=-1
"'" string_sq recolor=-1
"\"" string_dq recolor=-1
"\i" ident buffer
"$" php_var recolor=-1
"{}" brace recolor=-1
">" method recolor=-2
:method Builtin
* idle recolor=-1
"\i\c" method recolor=-1
:idle_qmark Idle
* idle noeat
">" idle recolor=-2 return
:idle_hash Idle
* idle noeat
">" idle recolor=-2 return
:sh_comment Comment comment
* sh_comment
"BFHNTX" sh_comment noeat call=comment_todo.comment_todo()
"\n" idle
:slash Idle
* idle noeat
"*" comment recolor=-2
"/" line_comment recolor=-2
:comment Comment comment
* comment
"*" maybe_end_comment
"BFHNTX" comment noeat call=comment_todo.comment_todo()
:maybe_end_comment Comment comment
* comment
"/" idle
"*" maybe_end_comment
:line_comment Comment comment
* line_comment
"\n" idle
"BFHNTX" line_comment noeat call=comment_todo.comment_todo()
:string_sq Character string
* string_sq
"\'" idle
"\\" string_sq_esc recolor=-1
:string_sq_esc CharacterEscape string
* string_sq
"\n" string_sq recolor=-2
:string_dq String string
* string_dq
"$" var_indqstring recolor=-1
"\"" idle
"\\" string_dq_esc recolor=-1
:string_dq_esc StringEscape string
* string_dq
"\n" string_dq recolor=-2
:string_bq String string
* string_bq
"$" var_inbqstring recolor=-1
"\`" idle
"\\" string_bq_esc recolor=-1
:string_bq_esc StringEscape string
* string_bq
"\n" string_bq recolor=-2
:first_digit Number
* idle noeat
"xX" hex
"." float
"0" octal
"1-9" first_number
:octal Number
* idle noeat
"0-7" octal
:hex Number
* idle noeat
"0-9A-Fa-f" hex
:first_number Number
* idle noeat
"0-9" first_number
"." float
:maybe_float Number
* idle recolor=-2 noeat
"0-9" float recolor=-2
:float Number
* idle noeat
"eE" epart
"0-9" float
:epart Number
* idle noeat
"0-9+\-" enum
:enum Number
* idle noeat
"0-9" enum
:ident Idle
* idle noeat strings
"addslashes" builtin
"array" builtin
"array_keys" builtin
"count" builtin
"date" builtin
"chr" builtin
"empty" builtin
"end" builtin
"header" builtin
"highlight_file" builtin
"htmlspecialchars" builtin
"isset" builtin
"shuffle" builtin
"strip_tags" builtin
"strlen" builtin
"strpos" builtin
"strrpos" builtin
"substr" builtin
"trim" builtin
"TRUE" bool
"FALSE" bool
"true" bool
"false" bool
"and" oper
"as" oper
"break" loop
"case" label
"class" struct
"continue" loop
"declare" struct
"default" kw
"die" kw
"do" loop
"echo" stmt
"else" cond
"elseif" cond
"eval" kw
"exception" kw
"exit" kw
"extends" struct
"for" loop
"foreach" loop
"function" struct
"global" kw
"if" cond
"include" stmt
"include_once" stmt
"list" kw
"new" kw
"or" oper
"print" stmt
"private" storage
"public" storage
"require" stmt
"require_once" stmt
"return" stmt
"static" storage
"switch" cond
"unset" stmt
"while" loop
"\c" ident
:kw Keyword
* idle noeat
:builtin Builtin
* idle noeat
:bool Boolean
* idle noeat
:var Variable
* mark noeat
:oper Operator
* idle noeat
:loop Loop
* idle noeat
:cond Conditional
* idle noeat
:stmt Statement
* idle noeat
:label Label
* idle noeat
:struct Structure
* idle noeat
:storage StorageClass
* idle noeat