488 lines
7.6 KiB
488 lines
7.6 KiB
# JOE syntax highlight file for Perl
# Define colors
=Pod +Preproc
=Variable +DefinedIdent # TODO: Make this work.
=Number +Constant
=String +Constant
=StringEscape +Escape
=StringVariable +StringEscape
=Regex +String
=RegexEscape +StringEscape
=Statement +Keyword
=Loop +Statement
=Conditional +Statement
=Structure +Statement
:begin Idle
* begin noeat call=.perl()
# Perl as a subroutine for Mason
.subr perl
# Detect pod
:idle Idle
* idle1 noeat
.ifdef mason_line
"\n" idle return
"\n" idle
"=" pod_start
# allow keywords
:idle1 Idle
* idle1
"#" line_comment_i recolor=-1
"\n" idle noeat
"0" first_digit recolor=-1
"1-9" decimal recolor=-1
"." maybe_float
"\"" string recolor=-1
"'" char recolor=-1
"`" backtick recolor=-1
"<" maybe_inc
"$" not_string buffer recolor=-1
.ifdef mason_block
"&%" perl_maybe_done buffer
"-@\i" ident buffer recolor=-1
"/" regex recolor=-1
"-\i@%&" ident buffer recolor=-1
:perl_maybe_done Idle
* ident noeat
">" idle1 recolor=-2 return
# prevent keywords
:rest Idle
* rest
"({;~" idle1
"#" line_comment recolor=-1
"\n" idle noeat
"0" first_digit recolor=-1
"1-9" decimal recolor=-1
"." maybe_float
"\"" string recolor=-1
"'" char recolor=-1
"`" backtick recolor=-1
"$" not_string buffer recolor=-1
"<" maybe_inc
.ifdef mason_block
"&%" perl_maybe_done buffer recolor=-1
"\i@" maybe_string buffer
"\i@%&" maybe_string buffer
:pod_start Idle
* pod_start
"\n" pod_block
:pod_block Pod
* pod_block
"=" pod_ident buffer
:pod_ident Pod
* pod_block noeat strings
"=cut" rest
"\c" pod_ident
:maybe_inc Idle
* rest noeat
.ifdef mason_block
"/" perl_maybe_done_2
"<" maybe_inc1
:perl_maybe_done_2 Idle
* perl_idle noeat
"a-z" perl_maybe_done_2
">" idle
:maybe_inc1 Idle
* rest noeat
" " maybe_inc1
"'\"" quoted_inc_start save_c recolor=-1
"\i" inc buffer noeat
:quoted_inc_start Variable
* quoted_inc buffer
:quoted_inc Variable
* quoted_inc
& skipline save_s
:inc Variable
* skipline save_s noeat
"\c" inc
# Should be treated as a normal line here...
:skipline Idle
* skipline
"\n" next_line
:todelim String string
* todelim
"\n" next_line strings
"&" founddelim
# eat \n so it's not in string.
:next_line String string
* todelim buffer
"\n" next_line
:founddelim Variable
* idle noeat
:regex Regex
* regex
"\\" regex_quote recolor=-1
"/" rest
:regex_quote RegexEscape
* regex
:not_string Idle
* rest noeat
"\i" ident
"\"'`#" rest
:line_comment Comment comment
* line_comment
"BFHNTX" line_comment noeat call=comment_todo.comment_todo()
"\n" rest
:line_comment_i Comment comment
* line_comment_i
"BFHNTX" line_comment_i noeat call=comment_todo.comment_todo()
"\n" idle noeat
:end_of_file_comment Comment comment
"BFHNTX" end_of_file_comment noeat call=comment_todo.comment_todo()
* end_of_file_comment
:first_digit Number
* rest noeat
"x" hex
"b" binary
"." float
"eE" epart
"0-7" octal
"89" bad_number recolor=-1
:bad_number Bad
* rest noeat
"0-9" bad_number
:octal Number
* rest noeat
"0-7_" octal
"89" bad_number recolor=-1
:binary Number
* rest noeat
"01_" binary
"2-9" bad_number recolor=-1
:hex Number
* rest noeat
"0-9A-Fa-f_" hex
:decimal Number
* rest noeat
"0-9_" decimal
"eE" epart
"." float
:maybe_float Number
* rest recolor=-2 noeat
"0-9" float recolor=-2
:float Number
* rest noeat
"eE" epart
"0-9_" float
:epart Number
* rest noeat
"0-9+\-" enum
:enum Number
* rest noeat
"0-9_" enum
:string String string
* string
"\"" rest
"\\" string_escape recolor=-1
"$@" string_subst recolor=-1
:string_subst StringVariable string
* string noeat recolor=-1
"\c" string_subst
:string_escape StringEscape string
* string
"x" string_hex1
"c" string_ctrl
"N" string_named
"0-7" string_octal2
"\n" string recolor=-2
:string_named StringEscape string
* string
"{" string_named_rest
:string_named_rest StringEscape string
* string_named_rest
"}" string
:string_ctrl StringEscape string
* string
:string_hex1 StringEscape string
* string noeat
"{" string_unicode
"0-9a-fA-F" string_hex2
:string_unicode StringEscape string
* string_unicode
"}" string
:string_hex2 StringEscape string
* string noeat
"0-9a-fA-F" string
:string_octal2 StringEscape string
* string noeat
"0-7" string_octal3
:string_octal3 StringEscape string
* string noeat
"0-7" string
:char String string
* char
"\n" idle noeat
"'" rest
"\\" char_escape recolor=-1
:char_escape StringEscape string
* char recolor=-2
"\\'" char
:backtick String string
* backtick
"`" rest
"\\" backtick_escape recolor=-1
"$@" backtick_subst recolor=-1
:backtick_subst StringVariable string
* backtick noeat recolor=-1
"\c" backtick_subst
:backtick_escape StringEscape string
* backtick
"x" backtick_hex1
"c" backtick_ctrl
"N" backtick_named
"0-7" backtick_octal2
"\n" backtick recolor=-2
:backtick_named StringEscape string
* backtick
"{" backtick_named_rest
:backtick_named_rest StringEscape string
* backtick_named_rest
"}" backtick
:backtick_ctrl StringEscape string
* backtick
:backtick_hex1 StringEscape string
* backtick noeat
"{" backtick_unicode
"0-9a-fA-F" backtick_hex2
:backtick_unicode StringEscape string
* backtick_unicode
"}" backtick
:backtick_hex2 StringEscape string
* backtick noeat
"0-9a-fA-F" backtick
:backtick_octal2 StringEscape string
* backtick noeat
"0-7" backtick_octal3
:backtick_octal3 StringEscape string
* backtick noeat
"0-7" backtick
# TODO: Tease out the variable logic from this so that we can highlight
# variables separate from other identifiers.
:ident Ident
* rest noeat strings
"BEGIN" kw
"END" kw
"if" cond
"unless" cond
"while" loop
"until" loop
"foreach" loop
"sub" struct
"my" kw
"do" loop
"if" cond
"else" cond
"elsif" cond
"for" loop
"continue" loop
"last" loop
"print" stmt
"reset" kw
"die" stmt
"goto" stmt
"require" stmt
"use" kw
"eval" kw
"redo" kw
"next" loop
"warn" stmt
"return" stmt
"printf" stmt
"close" stmt
"package" kw
"m" match
"qr" match
"qq" match
"qx" match
"qw" match
"q" match
"s" subst
"tr" subst
"y" subst
"__END__" end_of_file_comment
"__DATA__" end_of_file_comment
"\c" ident
:maybe_string Idle
* rest noeat strings
"qr" match
"qq" match
"qx" match
"qw" match
"q" match
"\c" maybe_string
:type Type
* rest noeat
:kw Keyword
* rest noeat
:cond Conditional
* rest noeat
:loop Loop
* rest noeat
:struct Structure
* rest noeat
:stmt Statement
* rest noeat
:match Idle
* inmatch save_c recolor=-1
" " match
:inmatch Regex
* inmatch
% inmatch call=.inmatch()
& rest
"\\" inmatch_quote recolor=-1
:inmatch_quote RegexEscape
* inmatch
:subst Idle
* insubst save_c recolor=-1
"<([{`" delim_insubst save_c recolor=-1
" " subst
:insubst Regex
* insubst
& inrepl
"\\" insubst_quote recolor=-1
:insubst_quote RegexEscape
* insubst
:inrepl Regex
* inrepl
& rest
"\\" inrepl_quote
:inrepl_quote RegexEscape
* inrepl
:delim_insubst Regex
* delim_insubst
& delim_repl
"\\" delim_quote
:delim_quote RegexEscape
* delim_insubst
:delim_repl Regex
* repl save_c recolor=-1
" " delim_repl
:repl Regex
* repl
& rest
"\\" repl_quote
:repl_quote RegexEscape
* repl
.subr inmatch
:inmatch Regex
* inmatch
% inmatch call=.inmatch()
& inmatch return
"\\" inmatch_quote recolor=-1
:inmatch_quote RegexEscape
* inmatch