# Gruvbox is a VIM scheme written by Pavel Pertsev # and can be found in its original version at https://github.com/morhetz/gruvbox .colors 256 # Palette .set bg 235 .set dark_red 124 .set dark_green 106 .set dark_yellow 172 .set dark_blue 66 .set dark_purple 132 .set dark_aqua 72 .set dark_gray 246 .set light_gray 245 .set light_red 167 .set light_green 142 .set light_yellow 214 .set light_blue 109 .set light_purple 175 .set light_aqua 108 .set fg 223 .set bg0_h 234 .set bg0 235 .set bg1 237 .set bg2 239 .set bg3 241 .set bg4 243 .set dark_orange 166 .set bg0_s 236 .set fg4 246 .set fg3 248 .set fg2 250 .set fg1 223 .set fg0 229 .set light_orange 208 -text [fg]/[bg] -selection /[bg3] -status [fg2]/[bg2] bold -menusel /[bg2] bold -linum [bg4]/[bg1] -curlinum [dark_yellow]/[bg1] -curlin /[bg1] -cursor [bg]/[fg] =Comment [light_gray] italic =TODO inverse bold italic =Bad [light_red] bold inverse =DefinedIdent [light_blue] =DefinedFunction [light_green] =Builtin [light_green] =Preproc [light_aqua] =IncSystem [dark_aqua] =Keyword [light_red] =Operator =Escape [light_orange] =Label +Keyword =Loop [light_red] =Conditional +Keyword =Statement +Keyword =Type [light_yellow] =StorageClass [light_orange] =Structure [light_aqua] =Constant [light_purple] =String [fg2]/[bg1] =StringEscape /[bg1] =Character +Constant =CharacterEscape +Escape =Variable [light_blue] =StringVariable [light_blue]/[bg1] =Tag [light_blue] =TagName [light_aqua] bold =TagEnd +Tag =Define [dark_blue] =diff.AddLine [bg0]/[light_green] =diff.DelLine [bg0]/[dark_red] =Ignore [dark_gray] # Terminal colors -term 0 [bg0] -term 1 [dark_red] -term 2 [dark_green] -term 3 [dark_yellow] -term 4 [dark_blue] -term 5 [dark_purple] -term 6 [dark_aqua] -term 7 [dark_gray] -term 8 [light_gray] -term 9 [light_red] -term 10 [light_green] -term 11 [light_yellow] -term 12 [light_blue] -term 13 [light_purple] -term 14 [light_aqua] -term 15 [fg] .colors * # Palette .set bg $282828 .set dark_red $cc241d .set dark_green $98971a .set dark_yellow $d79921 .set dark_blue $458588 .set dark_purple $b16286 .set dark_aqua $689d6a .set dark_gray $a89984 .set light_gray $928374 .set light_red $fb4934 .set light_green $b8bb26 .set light_yellow $fabd2f .set light_blue $83a598 .set light_purple $d3869b .set light_aqua $8ec07c .set fg $ebdbb2 .set bg0_h $1d2021 .set bg0 $282828 .set bg1 $3c3836 .set bg2 $504945 .set bg3 $665c54 .set bg4 $7c6f64 .set dark_orange $d65d0e .set bg0_s $32302f .set fg4 $a89984 .set fg3 $bdae93 .set fg2 $d5c4a1 .set fg1 $ebdbb2 .set fg0 $fbf1c7 .set light_orange $fe8019 -text [fg]/[bg] -selection /[bg3] -status [fg2]/[bg2] bold -menusel /[bg2] bold -linum [bg4]/[bg1] -curlinum [dark_yellow]/[bg1] -curlin /[bg1] -cursor [bg]/[fg] =Comment [light_gray] italic =TODO inverse bold italic =Bad [light_red] bold inverse =DefinedIdent [light_blue] =DefinedFunction [light_green] =Builtin [light_green] =Preproc [light_aqua] =IncSystem [dark_aqua] =Keyword [light_red] =Operator =Escape [light_orange] =Label +Keyword =Loop [light_red] =Conditional +Keyword =Statement +Keyword =Type [light_yellow] =StorageClass [light_orange] =Structure [light_aqua] =Constant [light_purple] =String [fg2]/[bg1] =StringEscape /[bg1] =Character +Constant =CharacterEscape +Escape =Variable [light_blue] =StringVariable [light_blue]/[bg1] =Tag [light_blue] =TagName [light_aqua] bold =TagEnd +Tag =Define [dark_blue] =diff.AddLine [bg0]/[light_green] =diff.DelLine [bg0]/[dark_red] =Ignore [dark_gray] # Terminal colors -term 0 [bg0] -term 1 [dark_red] -term 2 [dark_green] -term 3 [dark_yellow] -term 4 [dark_blue] -term 5 [dark_purple] -term 6 [dark_aqua] -term 7 [dark_gray] -term 8 [light_gray] -term 9 [light_red] -term 10 [light_green] -term 11 [light_yellow] -term 12 [light_blue] -term 13 [light_purple] -term 14 [light_aqua] -term 15 [fg]