561 lines
8.6 KiB
561 lines
8.6 KiB
# JOE syntax highlight file for D
=String +Constant
=Number +Constant
=Boolean +Constant
=Character +String
=StringEscape +Escape
=CharacterEscape +StringEscape
=Operator +Keyword
=Statement +Keyword
=Conditional +Statement
=Loop +Statement
=Label +DefinedIdent
:begin Idle
* begin noeat call=.d()
.subr d
:idle Idle
* idle
"(" idle call=.d(paren)
"[" idle call=.d(brack)
"{" do_brace recolor=-1 noeat
# "{" brace recolor=-1 call=.d(squiggly)
.ifdef paren
")" idle return
")" stray recolor=-1
.ifdef brack
"]" idle return
"]" stray recolor=-1
.ifdef squiggly
"}" brace recolor=-1 return
"}" stray recolor=-1
"\n" idle
"/" slash
"0" first_digit recolor=-1
"1-9" decimal recolor=-1
"." maybe_float
"\"" string recolor=-1
"'" char recolor=-1
"\i" ident mark buffer
",:;=><*&|!~+\-%^" control recolor=-1
"r" maybe_rstring mark buffer
"x" maybe_xstring mark buffer
"q" maybe_qstring recolor=-1 mark buffer
"`" bstring recolor=-1
:do_brace Brace
* idle noeat
"{" brace call=.d(squiggly)
:brace Brace
* idle noeat
:stray Bad
* idle noeat
:maybe_done Control
* idle noeat
"/" idle noeat return recolor=-2
:control Control
* idle noeat
:slash Idle
* idle noeat
"*" comment recolor=-2
"+" idle recolor=-2 call=.block_comment()
"/" line_comment recolor=-2
:comment Comment comment
* comment
# might be TODO label
"BFHNTX" comment noeat call=comment_todo.comment_todo()
"*" maybe_end_comment
:maybe_end_comment Comment comment
* comment noeat
"/" idle
"*" maybe_end_comment
:line_comment Comment comment
* line_comment
# might be TODO label
"BFHNTX" line_comment noeat call=comment_todo.comment_todo()
"\n" idle
:int_postfix Number
* idle noeat
"uU" int_postfix_1
"L" int_postfix_2
:int_postfix_1 Number
* idle noeat
"L" idle
:int_postfix_2 Number
* idle noeat
"uU" idle
:float_postfix Number
* idle noeat
"fF" float_postfix_1
"L" float_postfix_1
"i" idle
:float_postfix_1 Number
* idle noeat
"i" idle
:first_digit Number
* int_postfix noeat
"xX" hex
"bB" bin
"." float
"eE" epart
"0-9" decimal
:bad_number Bad
* idle noeat
"0-9" bad_number
:octal Number
* int_postfix noeat
"0-7_" octal
"89" bad_number recolor=-1
:hex Number
* int_postfix noeat
"0-9A-Fa-f_" hex
"." hexfloat
"pP" ppart
:hexfloat Number
* float_postfix noeat
"0-9A-Fa-f_" hexfloat
"pP" ppart
:ppart Number
* float_postfix noeat
"0-9+\-" pnum
:pnum Number
* float_postfix noeat
"0-9_" pnum
:decimal Number
* int_postfix noeat
"0-9_" decimal
"eE" epart
"." float
:maybe_float Number
* idle recolor=-2 noeat
"\i" not_ident recolor=-2
"0-9" float recolor=-2
:not_ident Idle
* idle noeat
"\c" not_ident
:float Number
* float_postfix noeat
"eE" epart
"0-9_" float
:epart Number
* idle noeat
"0-9+\-" enum
:enum Number
* float_postfix noeat
"0-9_" enum
:maybe_qstring Brace
* ident recolor=-1 noeat
"{" brace call=.d(squiggly)
"\"" qdstring recolor=-2
:qdstring String string
* qstring save_c
"\i" qdelim buffer
:qdelim String string
* qdelim_bad noeat save_s
"\c" qdelim
"\n" skipline noeat save_s
:qdelim_bad Bad
* qdelim_bad
"\n" skipline noeat
:skipline String string
* skipline
"\n" next_line
:todelim String string
* todelim
"\n" next_line
"\"" next_line strings
"&" founddelim
:founddelim String string
* idle noeat
"\"" bad_line
:bad_line Bad
* bad_line
"\n" idle
# eat \n so it's not in string.
:next_line String string
* todelim buffer
"\n" next_line
:qstring String string
* qstring
& qstring_1
:qstring_1 String string
* qstring noeat
"\"" string_postfix
:maybe_xstring Idle
* ident noeat
"\"" xstring recolor=-2
:xstring String string
* bad_xstring recolor=-1
" \t\r\n\f0-9A-Fa-f" xstring
"\"" string_postfix
:bad_xstring Bad
* xstring noeat
:maybe_rstring Idle
* ident noeat
"\"" rstring recolor=-2
:rstring String string
* rstring
"\"" string_postfix
:bstring String string
* bstring
"`" string_postfix
:string String string
* string
"\"" string_postfix
"\\" string_escape recolor=-1
"%" string_control recolor=-1
:string_postfix String string
* idle noeat
"cwd" idle
:string_escape StringEscape string
* string
"U" string_hex8
"u" string_hex4
"x" string_hex2
"0-7" string_octal2
"\n" string recolor=-2
:string_hex8 StringEscape string
* string noeat
"0-9a-fA-F" string_hex7
:string_hex7 StringEscape string
* string noeat
"0-9a-fA-F" string_hex6
:string_hex6 StringEscape string
* string noeat
"0-9a-fA-F" string_hex5
:string_hex5 StringEscape string
* string noeat
"0-9a-fA-F" string_hex4
:string_hex4 StringEscape string
* string noeat
"0-9a-fA-F" string_hex3
:string_hex3 StringEscape string
* string noeat
"0-9a-fA-F" string_hex2
:string_hex2 StringEscape string
* string noeat
"0-9a-fA-F" string_hex1
:string_hex1 StringEscape string
* string noeat
"0-9a-fA-F" string
:string_octal2 StringEscape string
* string noeat
"0-7" string_octal1
:string_octal1 StringEscape string
* string noeat
"0-7" string
:string_control StringEscape string
* string_control
"\n" idle
"\"" string noeat
"diouxXeEfFgGaAcspn%SCM" string
:char Character string
* char_done
"'" idle
"\\" char_escape recolor=-1
:char_done Character string
* idle noeat recolor=-3
"\'" idle
:char_escape CharacterEscape string
* char_done
"U" char_hex8
"u" char_hex4
"x" char_hex2
"0-7" char_octal2
:char_hex8 CharacterEscape string
* char_done noeat
"0-9a-fA-F" char_hex7
:char_hex7 CharacterEscape string
* char_done noeat
"0-9a-fA-F" char_hex6
:char_hex6 CharacterEscape string
* char_done noeat
"0-9a-fA-F" char_hex5
:char_hex5 CharacterEscape string
* char_done noeat
"0-9a-fA-F" char_hex4
:char_hex4 CharacterEscape string
* char_done noeat
"0-9a-fA-F" char_hex3
:char_hex3 CharacterEscape string
* char_done noeat
"0-9a-fA-F" char_hex2
:char_hex2 CharacterEscape string
* char_done noeat
"0-9a-fA-F" char_hex1
:char_hex1 CharacterEscape string
* char_done noeat
"0-9a-fA-F" char_done
:char_octal2 CharacterEscape string
* char_done noeat
"0-7" char_octal1
:char_octal1 CharacterEscape string
* char_done noeat
"0-7" char_done
:ident Ident
* ident_end noeat recolormark strings
"abstract" kw
"alias" kw
"align" kw
"asm" kw
"assert" kw
"auto" kw
"body" kw
"bool" kw
"break" kw
"byte" kw
"case" kw
"cast" kw
"catch" kw
"cdouble" kw
"cent" kw
"cfloat" kw
"char" kw
"class" kw
"const" kw
"continue" kw
"creal" kw
"dchar" kw
"debug" kw
"default" kw
"delegate" kw
"delete" kw
"deprecated" kw
"do" kw
"double" kw
"else" kw
"enum" kw
"export" kw
"extern" kw
"false" kw
"final" kw
"finally" kw
"float" kw
"for" kw
"foreach" kw
"foreach_reverse" kw
"function" kw
"goto" kw
"idouble" kw
"if" kw
"ifloat" kw
"immutable" kw
"import" kw
"in" kw
"inout" kw
"int" kw
"interface" kw
"invariant" kw
"ireal" kw
"is" kw
"lazy" kw
"long" kw
"macro" kw
"mixin" kw
"module" kw
"new" kw
"nothrow" kw
"null" kw
"out" kw
"override" kw
"package" kw
"pragma" kw
"private" kw
"protected" kw
"public" kw
"pure" kw
"real" kw
"ref" kw
"return" kw
"scope" kw
"shared" kw
"short" kw
"static" kw
"struct" kw
"super" kw
"switch" kw
"synchronized" kw
"template" kw
"this" kw
"throw" kw
"true" kw
"try" kw
"typedef" kw
"typeid" kw
"typeof" kw
"ubyte" kw
"ucent" kw
"uint" kw
"ulong" kw
"union" kw
"unittest" kw
"ushort" kw
"version" kw
"void" kw
"volatile" kw
"wchar" kw
"while" kw
"with" kw
"__FILE__" kw
"__MODULE__" kw
"__LINE__" kw
"__FUNCTION__" kw
"__gshared" kw
"__traits" kw
"__vector" kw
"__parameters" kw
"\c" ident
:type Type
* idle noeat
:kw Keyword
* idle noeat
:bad_kw Bad
* idle noeat
:bool Boolean
* idle noeat
:lit Constant
* idle noeat
:loop Loop
* idle noeat
:cond Conditional
* idle noeat
:stmt Statement
* idle noeat
:operator Operator
* idle noeat
:ident_end Idle
* idle noeat
" " ident_end
"(" method_end noeat recolormark
:method_end Methods
* idle noeat
# Recursive block comments
.subr block_comment
:idle Comment comment
* idle
# might be TODO label
"BFHNTX" idle noeat call=comment_todo.comment_todo()
"+" maybe_done
"/" maybe_recur
:maybe_done Comment comment
* idle noeat
"/" idle return
:maybe_recur Comment comment
* idle noeat
"+" idle call=.block_comment()