#pragma once #include #include #include #include "base_sink.h" #include "../details/flush_helper.h" namespace c11log { namespace sinks { /* * Trivial file sink with single file as target */ class simple_file_sink : public base_sink { public: explicit simple_file_sink(const std::string &filename, const std::string& extension, size_t flush_after=1) : _mutex(), _ofstream(filename + "." + extension, std::ofstream::app), _flush_helper(flush_after) { } protected: void _sink_it(const std::string& msg) override { std::lock_guard lock(_mutex); _flush_helper.write(_ofstream, msg); } private: std::mutex _mutex; std::ofstream _ofstream; details::file_flush_helper _flush_helper; }; /* * Thread safe, size limited file sink */ class rotating_file_sink : public base_sink { public: rotating_file_sink(const std::string &base_filename, const std::string &extension, size_t max_size, size_t max_files, size_t flush_after=1): _base_filename(base_filename), _extension(extension), _max_size(max_size), _max_files(max_files), _current_size(0), _mutex(), _ofstream(_calc_filename(_base_filename, 0, _extension)), _flush_helper(flush_after) { } protected: void _sink_it(const std::string& msg) override { std::lock_guard lock(_mutex); _current_size += msg.length(); if (_current_size > _max_size) { _rotate(); _current_size = msg.length(); } _flush_helper.write(_ofstream, msg); } private: static std::string _calc_filename(const std::string& filename, std::size_t index, const std::string& extension) { std::ostringstream oss; if (index) oss << filename << "." << index << "." << extension; else oss << filename << "." << extension; return oss.str(); } // Rotate old files: // log.n-1.txt -> log.n.txt // log n-2.txt -> log.n-1.txt // ... // log.txt -> log.1.txt void _rotate() { _ofstream.close(); //Remove oldest file for (auto i = _max_files; i > 0; --i) { auto src = _calc_filename(_base_filename, i - 1, _extension); auto target = _calc_filename(_base_filename, i, _extension); if (i == _max_files) std::remove(target.c_str()); std::rename(src.c_str(), target.c_str()); } _ofstream.open(_calc_filename(_base_filename, 0, _extension)); } std::string _base_filename; std::string _extension; std::size_t _max_size; std::size_t _max_files; std::size_t _current_size; std::mutex _mutex; std::ofstream _ofstream; details::file_flush_helper _flush_helper; }; /* * Thread safe file sink that closes the log file at midnight and opens new one */ class daily_file_sink:public base_sink { public: explicit daily_file_sink(const std::string& base_filename, const std::string& extension, size_t flush_after=1): _base_filename(base_filename), _extension(extension), _midnight_tp (_calc_midnight_tp() ), _mutex(), _ofstream(_calc_filename(_base_filename, _extension), std::ofstream::app), _flush_helper(flush_after) { } protected: void _sink_it(const std::string& msg) override { std::lock_guard lock(_mutex); if (std::chrono::system_clock::now() >= _midnight_tp) { _ofstream.close(); _ofstream.open(_calc_filename(_base_filename, _extension)); _midnight_tp = _calc_midnight_tp(); } _flush_helper.write(_ofstream, msg); } private: // Return next midnight's time_point static std::chrono::system_clock::time_point _calc_midnight_tp() { using namespace std::chrono; auto now = system_clock::now(); time_t tnow = std::chrono::system_clock::to_time_t(now); tm date = c11log::details::os::localtime(tnow); date.tm_hour = date.tm_min = date.tm_sec = 0; auto midnight = std::chrono::system_clock::from_time_t(std::mktime(&date)); return system_clock::time_point(midnight + hours(24)); } static std::string _calc_filename(const std::string& basename, const std::string& extension) { std::tm tm = c11log::details::os::localtime(); char buf[32]; sprintf(buf, ".%d-%02d-%02d.", tm.tm_year + 1900, tm.tm_mon + 1, tm.tm_mday); return basename+buf+extension; } std::string _base_filename; std::string _extension; std::chrono::system_clock::time_point _midnight_tp; std::mutex _mutex; std::ofstream _ofstream; details::file_flush_helper _flush_helper; }; } }