Some checks failed
Detach Plugins / check (FlyGrep.vim) (push) Has been cancelled
Detach Plugins / check (GitHub.vim) (push) Has been cancelled
Detach Plugins / check (JavaUnit.vim) (push) Has been cancelled
Detach Plugins / check (SourceCounter.vim) (push) Has been cancelled
Detach Plugins / check (cpicker.nvim) (push) Has been cancelled
Detach Plugins / check (dein-ui.vim) (push) Has been cancelled
Detach Plugins / check (git.vim) (push) Has been cancelled
Detach Plugins / check (iedit.vim) (push) Has been cancelled
Detach Plugins / check (scrollbar.vim) (push) Has been cancelled
Detach Plugins / check (vim-chat) (push) Has been cancelled
Detach Plugins / check (vim-cheat) (push) Has been cancelled
Detach Plugins / check (vim-todo) (push) Has been cancelled
Detach Plugins / check (xmake.vim) (push) Has been cancelled
test / Linux (nvim, nightly) (push) Has been cancelled
test / Linux (nvim, v0.3.8) (push) Has been cancelled
test / Linux (nvim, v0.4.0) (push) Has been cancelled
test / Linux (nvim, v0.4.2) (push) Has been cancelled
test / Linux (nvim, v0.4.3) (push) Has been cancelled
test / Linux (nvim, v0.4.4) (push) Has been cancelled
test / Linux (nvim, v0.5.0) (push) Has been cancelled
test / Linux (nvim, v0.5.1) (push) Has been cancelled
test / Linux (nvim, v0.6.0) (push) Has been cancelled
test / Linux (nvim, v0.6.1) (push) Has been cancelled
test / Linux (nvim, v0.7.0) (push) Has been cancelled
test / Linux (nvim, v0.7.2) (push) Has been cancelled
test / Linux (nvim, v0.8.0) (push) Has been cancelled
test / Linux (nvim, v0.8.1) (push) Has been cancelled
test / Linux (nvim, v0.8.2) (push) Has been cancelled
test / Linux (nvim, v0.8.3) (push) Has been cancelled
test / Linux (nvim, v0.9.0) (push) Has been cancelled
test / Linux (nvim, v0.9.1) (push) Has been cancelled
test / Linux (true, vim, v7.4.052) (push) Has been cancelled
test / Linux (true, vim, v7.4.1689) (push) Has been cancelled
test / Linux (true, vim, v7.4.629) (push) Has been cancelled
test / Linux (true, vim, v8.0.0027) (push) Has been cancelled
test / Linux (true, vim, v8.0.0183) (push) Has been cancelled
test / Linux (vim, nightly) (push) Has been cancelled
test / Linux (vim, v8.0.0184) (push) Has been cancelled
test / Linux (vim, v8.0.1453) (push) Has been cancelled
test / Linux (vim, v8.1.2269) (push) Has been cancelled
test / Linux (vim, v8.2.2434) (push) Has been cancelled
test / Linux (vim, v8.2.3995) (push) Has been cancelled
test / Windows (nvim, nightly) (push) Has been cancelled
test / Windows (nvim, v0.3.8) (push) Has been cancelled
test / Windows (nvim, v0.4.2) (push) Has been cancelled
test / Windows (nvim, v0.4.3) (push) Has been cancelled
test / Windows (nvim, v0.4.4) (push) Has been cancelled
test / Windows (nvim, v0.5.0) (push) Has been cancelled
test / Windows (nvim, v0.5.1) (push) Has been cancelled
test / Windows (nvim, v0.6.0) (push) Has been cancelled
test / Windows (nvim, v0.6.1) (push) Has been cancelled
test / Windows (nvim, v0.7.0) (push) Has been cancelled
test / Windows (nvim, v0.7.2) (push) Has been cancelled
test / Windows (nvim, v0.8.0) (push) Has been cancelled
test / Windows (nvim, v0.8.1) (push) Has been cancelled
test / Windows (nvim, v0.8.2) (push) Has been cancelled
test / Windows (nvim, v0.8.3) (push) Has been cancelled
test / Windows (nvim, v0.9.0) (push) Has been cancelled
test / Windows (nvim, v0.9.1) (push) Has been cancelled
test / Windows (vim, nightly) (push) Has been cancelled
test / Windows (vim, v7.4.1185) (push) Has been cancelled
test / Windows (vim, v7.4.1689) (push) Has been cancelled
test / Windows (vim, v8.0.0027) (push) Has been cancelled
test / Windows (vim, v8.0.1453) (push) Has been cancelled
test / Windows (vim, v8.1.2269) (push) Has been cancelled
test / Windows (vim, v8.2.2434) (push) Has been cancelled
test / Windows (vim, v8.2.3995) (push) Has been cancelled
docker / docker (push) Has been cancelled
mirror / check (coding) (push) Has been cancelled
mirror / check (gitee) (push) Has been cancelled
mirror / check (gitlab) (push) Has been cancelled
240 lines
8.9 KiB
240 lines
8.9 KiB
fun! SetUp()
exe 'set tags='.expand('%:p:h')."/".'fixtures/GetClassContents/tags'
let g:php_builtin_classes = {}
let g:php_builtin_classnames = {}
let g:php_builtin_interfacenames = {}
let g:php_builtin_interfaces = {}
fun! TestCase_reads_in_the_class_from_the_list_of_lines()
call SetUp()
let location = expand('%:p:h')."/".'fixtures/GetClassContents/foo.class.php'
let contents = phpcomplete#GetClassContents(location, 'FooClass')
let expected = join(readfile(location)[1:], "\n")
call VUAssertEquals(expected, contents)
let location = expand('%:p:h')."/".'fixtures/GetClassContents/foo_whitespace.class.php'
let contents = phpcomplete#GetClassContents(location, 'FooClass')
let expected = join(readfile(location)[4:9], "\n")
call VUAssertEquals(expected, contents)
let location = expand('%:p:h')."/".'fixtures/GetClassContents/foo.interface.php'
let contents = phpcomplete#GetClassContents(location, 'FooInterface')
let expected = join(readfile(location)[1:], "\n")
call VUAssertEquals(expected, contents)
fun! TestCase_only_reads_in_the_class_content()
call SetUp()
let location = expand('%:p:h')."/".'fixtures/GetClassContents/foo_with_extra_content.class.php'
let contents = phpcomplete#GetClassContents(location, 'FooClass')
let expected = join(readfile(location)[5:8], "\n")
call VUAssertEquals(expected, contents)
fun! TestCase_reads_in_the_extended_class_content()
call SetUp()
" tags used to find the extended classes
exe 'set tags='.expand('%:p:h')."/".'fixtures/GetClassContents/tags'
let location = expand('%:p:h')."/".'fixtures/GetClassContents/extends/foo_extends_bar.class.php'
let extends_location = expand('%:p:h')."/".'fixtures/GetClassContents/extends/bar.class.php'
let contents = phpcomplete#GetClassContents(location, 'FooClass')
let expected = readfile(location)[2]."\n".readfile(extends_location)[2]
call VULog(expected)
call VUAssertEquals(expected, contents)
fun! TestCase_reads_in_the_extended_classes_recursive()
call SetUp()
" tags used to find the extended classes
exe 'set tags='.expand('%:p:h')."/".'fixtures/GetClassContents/tags'
let location = expand('%:p:h')."/".'fixtures/GetClassContents/extends_extends/foo2_extends_bar2.class.php'
let extends_location = expand('%:p:h')."/".'fixtures/GetClassContents/extends_extends/bar2_extends_baz.class.php'
let extends_extends_location = expand('%:p:h')."/".'fixtures/GetClassContents/extends_extends/baz.class.php'
let expected = readfile(location)[2]."\n"
let expected .= readfile(extends_location)[2]."\n"
let expected .= readfile(extends_extends_location)[2]
call VULog(expected)
let contents = phpcomplete#GetClassContents(location, 'FooClass2')
call VUAssertEquals(expected, contents)
fun! TestCase_reads_in_the_extended_classes_recursive_with_namespaces()
call SetUp()
" tags used to find the extended classes
exe 'set tags='.expand('%:p:h')."/".'fixtures/GetClassContents/tags'
let location = expand('%:p:h')."/".'fixtures/GetClassContents/ns1_foo2.php'
let extends_location = expand('%:p:h')."/".'fixtures/GetClassContents/ns2_foo.php'
let expected = readfile(location)[3]."\n"
let expected .= readfile(extends_location)[3]
call VULog(expected)
let contents = phpcomplete#GetClassContents(location, 'NamespacedFoo2')
call VUAssertEquals(expected, contents)
fun! TestCase_reads_in_the_extended_classes_with_imports()
call SetUp()
" tags used to find the extended classes
exe 'set tags='.expand('%:p:h')."/".'fixtures/GetClassContents/import/tags'
let g:php_builtin_classes = {}
let location = expand('%:p:h')."/".'fixtures/GetClassContents/import/ns1_foo2.php'
let extends_location = expand('%:p:h')."/".'fixtures/GetClassContents/import/ns2_foo.php'
let expected = readfile(location)[4]."\n"
let expected .= readfile(extends_location)[3]
call VULog(expected)
let contents = phpcomplete#GetClassContents(location, 'NamespacedFoo2')
call VUAssertEquals(expected, contents)
fun! TestCase_handles_matching_class_name_extends_with_different_namespaces()
call SetUp()
" tags used to find the extended classes
exe 'set tags='.expand('%:p:h')."/".'fixtures/GetClassContents/same_classname/tags'
let location = expand('%:p:h')."/".'fixtures/GetClassContents/same_classname/foo.class.php'
let extends_location = expand('%:p:h')."/".'fixtures/GetClassContents/same_classname/ns1_foo.class.php'
let class_contents = readfile(location)[2:10]
let expected = join(class_contents, "\n")."\n"
let expected .= readfile(extends_location)[4]
below 1new
exe ":silent! edit ".location
exe ':7'
let structure = phpcomplete#GetClassContentsStructure(location, class_contents, 'Foo')
call VUAssertEquals(expected, structure[0].content."\n".structure[1].content)
silent! bw! %
" fails with the dist version
fun! TestCase_returns_contents_of_a_class_regardless_of_comments_or_strings()
let path1 = expand('%:p:h')."/".'fixtures/GetClassContents/foo2.class.php'
let expected1 = join(readfile(path1)[2:12], "\n")
let contents1 = readfile(path1)
below 1new
exe ":silent! edit ".path1
let structure = phpcomplete#GetClassContentsStructure(path1, contents1, 'Foo2')
call VUAssertEquals(expected1, structure[0].content)
silent! bw! %
fun! TestCase_returns_contents_of_used_traits_too()
call SetUp()
exe 'set tags='.expand('%:p:h')."/".'fixtures/GetClassContents/tags'
let path1 = expand('%:p:h')."/".'fixtures/GetClassContents/foo3.class.php'
let path2 = expand('%:p:h')."/".'fixtures/GetClassContents/foo.trait.php'
let expected = join(readfile(path1)[2:7], "\n")."\n".join(readfile(path2)[2:4], "\n")
below 1new
exe ":silent! edit ".path1
let contents = phpcomplete#GetClassContents(path1, 'Foo3')
call VUAssertEquals(expected, contents)
silent! bw! %
fun! TestCase_returns_class_content_from_inside_the_same_file()
call SetUp()
let location = expand('%:p:h')."/".'fixtures/GetClassContents/same_file_class.php'
let class_contents = readfile(location)[4:6]
let expected = join(class_contents, "\n")."\n"
let expected .= readfile(location)[2]
let expected2 = join(readfile(location)[8:10], "\n")
below 1new
exe ":silent! edit ".location
" Even if there's no tags or other help to locate the extended class, the
" plugin should try to find it in the same file that the extending class
" located
exe ':8'
let structure = phpcomplete#GetClassContentsStructure(location, readfile(location), 'SomeTraitedClass')
call VUAssertEquals(expected, structure[0].content."\n".structure[1].content)
" The function should just skip any non-locatable extended class
exe ':12'
let structure = phpcomplete#GetClassContentsStructure(location, readfile(location), 'ExtendsNonExistsing')
call VUAssertEquals(expected2, structure[0].content)
silent! bw! %
fun! TestCase_returns_contents_of_implemented_interfaces()
call SetUp()
exe 'set tags='.expand('%:p:h')."/".'fixtures/GetClassContents/interface_tags'
let path1 = expand('%:p:h')."/".'fixtures/GetClassContents/interfaces.php'
let path2 = expand('%:p:h')."/".'fixtures/GetClassContents/implements.php'
let expected = join(readfile(path2)[2:3], "\n")."\n".join(readfile(path1)[2:3], "\n")
let expected2 = join(readfile(path2)[5:6], "\n")."\n".join(readfile(path1)[2:3], "\n")."\n".join(readfile(path1)[5:6], "\n")
below 1new
exe ":silent! edit ".path2
let contents = phpcomplete#GetClassContents(path2, 'X')
call VUAssertEquals(expected, contents)
let contents2 = phpcomplete#GetClassContents(path2, 'Y')
call VUAssertEquals(expected2, contents2)
silent! bw! %
fun! TestCase_returns_the_contents_of_extended_interfaces()
call SetUp()
exe 'set tags='
let path = expand('%:p:h')."/".'fixtures/GetClassContents/interfaces.php'
below 1new
exe ":silent! edit ".path
let contents = phpcomplete#GetClassContentsStructure(path, readfile(path), 'FooFoo2')
call VUAssertEquals('FooFoo2', contents[0].class)
call VUAssertEquals('Foo', contents[1].class)
call VUAssertEquals('Foo2', contents[2].class)
silent! bw! %
fun! TestCase_returns_dockblock_contents()
call SetUp()
exe 'set tags='
let path = expand('%:p:h')."/".'fixtures/GetClassContents/docblocked_foo.php'
let expected = join(readfile(path)[2:], "\n")
below 1new
exe ":silent! edit ".path
let contents = phpcomplete#GetClassContentsStructure(path, readfile(path), 'DocBlockedFoo')
call VUAssertEquals(expected, contents[0].content, "Should read class contents with it's docblock")
silent! bw! %
" vim: foldmethod=marker:expandtab:ts=4:sts=4