Some checks failed
Detach Plugins / check (FlyGrep.vim) (push) Has been cancelled
Detach Plugins / check (GitHub.vim) (push) Has been cancelled
Detach Plugins / check (JavaUnit.vim) (push) Has been cancelled
Detach Plugins / check (SourceCounter.vim) (push) Has been cancelled
Detach Plugins / check (cpicker.nvim) (push) Has been cancelled
Detach Plugins / check (dein-ui.vim) (push) Has been cancelled
Detach Plugins / check (git.vim) (push) Has been cancelled
Detach Plugins / check (iedit.vim) (push) Has been cancelled
Detach Plugins / check (scrollbar.vim) (push) Has been cancelled
Detach Plugins / check (vim-chat) (push) Has been cancelled
Detach Plugins / check (vim-cheat) (push) Has been cancelled
Detach Plugins / check (vim-todo) (push) Has been cancelled
Detach Plugins / check (xmake.vim) (push) Has been cancelled
test / Linux (nvim, nightly) (push) Has been cancelled
test / Linux (nvim, v0.3.8) (push) Has been cancelled
test / Linux (nvim, v0.4.0) (push) Has been cancelled
test / Linux (nvim, v0.4.2) (push) Has been cancelled
test / Linux (nvim, v0.4.3) (push) Has been cancelled
test / Linux (nvim, v0.4.4) (push) Has been cancelled
test / Linux (nvim, v0.5.0) (push) Has been cancelled
test / Linux (nvim, v0.5.1) (push) Has been cancelled
test / Linux (nvim, v0.6.0) (push) Has been cancelled
test / Linux (nvim, v0.6.1) (push) Has been cancelled
test / Linux (nvim, v0.7.0) (push) Has been cancelled
test / Linux (nvim, v0.7.2) (push) Has been cancelled
test / Linux (nvim, v0.8.0) (push) Has been cancelled
test / Linux (nvim, v0.8.1) (push) Has been cancelled
test / Linux (nvim, v0.8.2) (push) Has been cancelled
test / Linux (nvim, v0.8.3) (push) Has been cancelled
test / Linux (nvim, v0.9.0) (push) Has been cancelled
test / Linux (nvim, v0.9.1) (push) Has been cancelled
test / Linux (true, vim, v7.4.052) (push) Has been cancelled
test / Linux (true, vim, v7.4.1689) (push) Has been cancelled
test / Linux (true, vim, v7.4.629) (push) Has been cancelled
test / Linux (true, vim, v8.0.0027) (push) Has been cancelled
test / Linux (true, vim, v8.0.0183) (push) Has been cancelled
test / Linux (vim, nightly) (push) Has been cancelled
test / Linux (vim, v8.0.0184) (push) Has been cancelled
test / Linux (vim, v8.0.1453) (push) Has been cancelled
test / Linux (vim, v8.1.2269) (push) Has been cancelled
test / Linux (vim, v8.2.2434) (push) Has been cancelled
test / Linux (vim, v8.2.3995) (push) Has been cancelled
test / Windows (nvim, nightly) (push) Has been cancelled
test / Windows (nvim, v0.3.8) (push) Has been cancelled
test / Windows (nvim, v0.4.2) (push) Has been cancelled
test / Windows (nvim, v0.4.3) (push) Has been cancelled
test / Windows (nvim, v0.4.4) (push) Has been cancelled
test / Windows (nvim, v0.5.0) (push) Has been cancelled
test / Windows (nvim, v0.5.1) (push) Has been cancelled
test / Windows (nvim, v0.6.0) (push) Has been cancelled
test / Windows (nvim, v0.6.1) (push) Has been cancelled
test / Windows (nvim, v0.7.0) (push) Has been cancelled
test / Windows (nvim, v0.7.2) (push) Has been cancelled
test / Windows (nvim, v0.8.0) (push) Has been cancelled
test / Windows (nvim, v0.8.1) (push) Has been cancelled
test / Windows (nvim, v0.8.2) (push) Has been cancelled
test / Windows (nvim, v0.8.3) (push) Has been cancelled
test / Windows (nvim, v0.9.0) (push) Has been cancelled
test / Windows (nvim, v0.9.1) (push) Has been cancelled
test / Windows (vim, nightly) (push) Has been cancelled
test / Windows (vim, v7.4.1185) (push) Has been cancelled
test / Windows (vim, v7.4.1689) (push) Has been cancelled
test / Windows (vim, v8.0.0027) (push) Has been cancelled
test / Windows (vim, v8.0.1453) (push) Has been cancelled
test / Windows (vim, v8.1.2269) (push) Has been cancelled
test / Windows (vim, v8.2.2434) (push) Has been cancelled
test / Windows (vim, v8.2.3995) (push) Has been cancelled
docker / docker (push) Has been cancelled
mirror / check (coding) (push) Has been cancelled
mirror / check (gitee) (push) Has been cancelled
mirror / check (gitlab) (push) Has been cancelled
271 lines
6.9 KiB
271 lines
6.9 KiB
; ; Intended for consumption by nvim-treesitter
; ; Default capture names for nvim-treesitter found here:
; ;
; ; In this file, captures defined later take precedence over captures defined earlier
; Keywords
] @keyword
; Pluscal keywords
] @keyword
] @keyword.coroutine
(pcal_with ("=") @keyword)
(pcal_process ("=") @keyword)
] @conditional
] @repeat
("return") @keyword.return
("print") @function.macro
; Literals
(binary_number (format) @keyword)
(binary_number (value) @number)
(boolean) @boolean
(boolean_set) @type
(hex_number (format) @keyword)
(hex_number (value) @number)
(int_number_set) @type
(nat_number) @number
(nat_number_set) @type
(octal_number (format) @keyword)
(octal_number (value) @number)
(real_number) @number
(real_number_set) @type
(string) @string
(escape_char) @string.escape
(string_set) @type
; Namespaces
(extends (identifier_ref) @namespace)
(instance (identifier_ref) @namespace)
(module name: (identifier) @namespace)
(pcal_algorithm name: (identifier) @namespace)
; Operators, functions, and macros
(bound_infix_op symbol: (_) @operator)
(bound_nonfix_op symbol: (_) @operator)
(bound_postfix_op symbol: (_) @operator)
(bound_prefix_op symbol: (_) @operator)
((prefix_op_symbol) @operator)
((infix_op_symbol) @operator)
((postfix_op_symbol) @operator)
(function_definition name: (identifier) @function)
(module_definition name: (_) @include)
(operator_definition name: (_) @function.macro)
(pcal_macro_decl name: (identifier) @function.macro)
(pcal_macro_call name: (identifier) @function.macro)
(pcal_proc_decl name: (identifier) @function.macro)
(pcal_process name: (identifier) @function)
(recursive_declaration (identifier) @function.macro)
(recursive_declaration (operator_declaration name: (_) @function.macro))
; Constants and variables
(constant_declaration (identifier) @constant)
(constant_declaration (operator_declaration name: (_) @constant))
(pcal_var_decl (identifier) @variable)
(pcal_with (identifier) @parameter)
((".") . (identifier) @attribute)
(record_literal (identifier) @attribute)
(set_of_records (identifier) @attribute)
(variable_declaration (identifier) @variable)
; Parameters
(choose (identifier) @parameter)
(choose (tuple_of_identifiers (identifier) @parameter))
(lambda (identifier) @parameter)
(module_definition (operator_declaration name: (_) @parameter))
(module_definition parameter: (identifier) @parameter)
(operator_definition (operator_declaration name: (_) @parameter))
(operator_definition parameter: (identifier) @parameter)
(pcal_macro_decl parameter: (identifier) @parameter)
(pcal_proc_var_decl (identifier) @parameter)
(quantifier_bound (identifier) @parameter)
(quantifier_bound (tuple_of_identifiers (identifier) @parameter))
(unbounded_quantification (identifier) @parameter)
; Delimiters
] @punctuation.bracket
] @punctuation.delimiter
; Proofs
(assume_prove (new (identifier) @parameter))
(assume_prove (new (operator_declaration name: (_) @parameter)))
(assumption name: (identifier) @constant)
(pick_proof_step (identifier) @parameter)
(proof_step_id "<" @punctuation.bracket)
(proof_step_id (level) @label)
(proof_step_id (name) @label)
(proof_step_id ">" @punctuation.bracket)
(proof_step_ref "<" @punctuation.bracket)
(proof_step_ref (level) @label)
(proof_step_ref (name) @label)
(proof_step_ref ">" @punctuation.bracket)
(take_proof_step (identifier) @parameter)
(theorem name: (identifier) @constant)
; Comments and tags
(block_comment "(*" @comment)
(block_comment "*)" @comment)
(block_comment_text) @comment
(comment) @comment
(single_line) @comment
(_ label: (identifier) @label)
(label name: (_) @label)
(pcal_goto statement: (identifier) @label)
; Reference highlighting with the same color as declarations.
; `constant`, `operator`, and others are custom captures defined in locals.scm
((identifier_ref) @constant (#is? @constant constant))
((identifier_ref) @function (#is? @function function))
((identifier_ref) @function.macro (#is? @function.macro macro))
((identifier_ref) @include (#is? @include import))
((identifier_ref) @parameter (#is? @parameter parameter))
((identifier_ref) @variable (#is? @variable var))
((prefix_op_symbol) @constant (#is? @constant constant))
((prefix_op_symbol) @function.macro (#is? @function.macro macro))
((prefix_op_symbol) @parameter (#is? @parameter parameter))
((infix_op_symbol) @constant (#is? @constant constant))
((infix_op_symbol) @function.macro (#is? @function.macro macro))
((infix_op_symbol) @parameter (#is? @parameter parameter))
((postfix_op_symbol) @constant (#is? @constant constant))
((postfix_op_symbol) @function.macro (#is? @function.macro macro))
((postfix_op_symbol) @parameter (#is? @parameter parameter))
(bound_prefix_op symbol: (_) @constant (#is? @constant constant))
(bound_prefix_op symbol: (_) @function.macro (#is? @function.macro macro))
(bound_prefix_op symbol: (_) @parameter (#is? @parameter parameter))
(bound_infix_op symbol: (_) @constant (#is? @constant constant))
(bound_infix_op symbol: (_) @function.macro (#is? @function.macro macro))
(bound_infix_op symbol: (_) @parameter (#is? @parameter parameter))
(bound_postfix_op symbol: (_) @constant (#is? @constant constant))
(bound_postfix_op symbol: (_) @function.macro (#is? @function.macro macro))
(bound_postfix_op symbol: (_) @parameter (#is? @parameter parameter))
(bound_nonfix_op symbol: (_) @constant (#is? @constant constant))
(bound_nonfix_op symbol: (_) @function.macro (#is? @function.macro macro))
(bound_nonfix_op symbol: (_) @parameter (#is? @parameter parameter))