JIe 2bb7059579
Some checks failed
Detach Plugins / check (FlyGrep.vim) (push) Has been cancelled
Detach Plugins / check (GitHub.vim) (push) Has been cancelled
Detach Plugins / check (JavaUnit.vim) (push) Has been cancelled
Detach Plugins / check (SourceCounter.vim) (push) Has been cancelled
Detach Plugins / check (cpicker.nvim) (push) Has been cancelled
Detach Plugins / check (dein-ui.vim) (push) Has been cancelled
Detach Plugins / check (git.vim) (push) Has been cancelled
Detach Plugins / check (iedit.vim) (push) Has been cancelled
Detach Plugins / check (scrollbar.vim) (push) Has been cancelled
Detach Plugins / check (vim-chat) (push) Has been cancelled
Detach Plugins / check (vim-cheat) (push) Has been cancelled
Detach Plugins / check (vim-todo) (push) Has been cancelled
Detach Plugins / check (xmake.vim) (push) Has been cancelled
test / Linux (nvim, nightly) (push) Has been cancelled
test / Linux (nvim, v0.3.8) (push) Has been cancelled
test / Linux (nvim, v0.4.0) (push) Has been cancelled
test / Linux (nvim, v0.4.2) (push) Has been cancelled
test / Linux (nvim, v0.4.3) (push) Has been cancelled
test / Linux (nvim, v0.4.4) (push) Has been cancelled
test / Linux (nvim, v0.5.0) (push) Has been cancelled
test / Linux (nvim, v0.5.1) (push) Has been cancelled
test / Linux (nvim, v0.6.0) (push) Has been cancelled
test / Linux (nvim, v0.6.1) (push) Has been cancelled
test / Linux (nvim, v0.7.0) (push) Has been cancelled
test / Linux (nvim, v0.7.2) (push) Has been cancelled
test / Linux (nvim, v0.8.0) (push) Has been cancelled
test / Linux (nvim, v0.8.1) (push) Has been cancelled
test / Linux (nvim, v0.8.2) (push) Has been cancelled
test / Linux (nvim, v0.8.3) (push) Has been cancelled
test / Linux (nvim, v0.9.0) (push) Has been cancelled
test / Linux (nvim, v0.9.1) (push) Has been cancelled
test / Linux (true, vim, v7.4.052) (push) Has been cancelled
test / Linux (true, vim, v7.4.1689) (push) Has been cancelled
test / Linux (true, vim, v7.4.629) (push) Has been cancelled
test / Linux (true, vim, v8.0.0027) (push) Has been cancelled
test / Linux (true, vim, v8.0.0183) (push) Has been cancelled
test / Linux (vim, nightly) (push) Has been cancelled
test / Linux (vim, v8.0.0184) (push) Has been cancelled
test / Linux (vim, v8.0.1453) (push) Has been cancelled
test / Linux (vim, v8.1.2269) (push) Has been cancelled
test / Linux (vim, v8.2.2434) (push) Has been cancelled
test / Linux (vim, v8.2.3995) (push) Has been cancelled
test / Windows (nvim, nightly) (push) Has been cancelled
test / Windows (nvim, v0.3.8) (push) Has been cancelled
test / Windows (nvim, v0.4.2) (push) Has been cancelled
test / Windows (nvim, v0.4.3) (push) Has been cancelled
test / Windows (nvim, v0.4.4) (push) Has been cancelled
test / Windows (nvim, v0.5.0) (push) Has been cancelled
test / Windows (nvim, v0.5.1) (push) Has been cancelled
test / Windows (nvim, v0.6.0) (push) Has been cancelled
test / Windows (nvim, v0.6.1) (push) Has been cancelled
test / Windows (nvim, v0.7.0) (push) Has been cancelled
test / Windows (nvim, v0.7.2) (push) Has been cancelled
test / Windows (nvim, v0.8.0) (push) Has been cancelled
test / Windows (nvim, v0.8.1) (push) Has been cancelled
test / Windows (nvim, v0.8.2) (push) Has been cancelled
test / Windows (nvim, v0.8.3) (push) Has been cancelled
test / Windows (nvim, v0.9.0) (push) Has been cancelled
test / Windows (nvim, v0.9.1) (push) Has been cancelled
test / Windows (vim, nightly) (push) Has been cancelled
test / Windows (vim, v7.4.1185) (push) Has been cancelled
test / Windows (vim, v7.4.1689) (push) Has been cancelled
test / Windows (vim, v8.0.0027) (push) Has been cancelled
test / Windows (vim, v8.0.1453) (push) Has been cancelled
test / Windows (vim, v8.1.2269) (push) Has been cancelled
test / Windows (vim, v8.2.2434) (push) Has been cancelled
test / Windows (vim, v8.2.3995) (push) Has been cancelled
docker / docker (push) Has been cancelled
mirror / check (coding) (push) Has been cancelled
mirror / check (gitee) (push) Has been cancelled
mirror / check (gitlab) (push) Has been cancelled
2024-08-21 14:17:26 +08:00

222 lines
7.2 KiB

#!/usr/bin/env python
Sith attacks (and helps debugging) Jedi.
Randomly search Python files and run Jedi on it. Exception and used
arguments are recorded to ``./record.json`` (specified by --record)::
./ random /path/to/sourcecode
Redo recorded exception::
./ redo
Show recorded exception::
./ show
Run a specific operation
./ run <operation> </path/to/source/> <line> <col>
Where operation is one of complete, goto, infer, get_references or get_signatures.
Note: Line numbers start at 1; columns start at 0 (this is consistent with
many text editors, including Emacs).
Usage: [--pdb|--ipdb|--pudb] [-d] [-n=<nr>] [-f] [--record=<file>] random [-s] [<path>] [--pdb|--ipdb|--pudb] [-d] [-f] [--record=<file>] redo [--pdb|--ipdb|--pudb] [-d] [-f] run <operation> <path> <line> <column> show [--record=<file>] -h | --help
-h --help Show this screen.
--record=<file> Exceptions are recorded in here [default: record.json].
-f, --fs-cache By default, file system cache is off for reproducibility.
-n, --maxtries=<nr> Maximum of random tries [default: 100]
-d, --debug Jedi print debugging when an error is raised.
-s Shows the path/line numbers of every completion before it starts.
--pdb Launch pdb when error is raised.
--ipdb Launch ipdb when error is raised.
--pudb Launch pudb when error is raised.
from docopt import docopt # type: ignore[import]
import json
import os
import random
import sys
import traceback
import jedi
class SourceFinder(object):
_files = None
def fetch(file_path):
if not os.path.isdir(file_path):
yield file_path
for root, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(file_path):
for name in filenames:
if name.endswith('.py'):
yield os.path.join(root, name)
def files(cls, file_path):
if cls._files is None:
cls._files = list(cls.fetch(file_path))
return cls._files
class TestCase(object):
def __init__(self, operation, path, line, column, traceback=None):
if operation not in self.operations:
raise ValueError("%s is not a valid operation" % operation)
# Set other attributes
self.operation = operation
self.path = path
self.line = line
self.column = column
self.traceback = traceback
def from_cache(cls, record):
with open(record) as f:
args = json.load(f)
return cls(*args)
# Changing this? Also update the module docstring above.
operations = ['complete', 'goto', 'infer', 'get_references', 'get_signatures']
def generate(cls, file_path):
operation = random.choice(cls.operations)
path = random.choice(SourceFinder.files(file_path))
with open(path) as f:
source =
lines = source.splitlines()
if not lines:
lines = ['']
line = random.randint(1, len(lines))
line_string = lines[line - 1]
line_len = len(line_string)
if line_string.endswith('\r\n'):
line_len -= 1
if line_string.endswith('\n'):
line_len -= 1
column = random.randint(0, line_len)
return cls(operation, path, line, column)
def run(self, debugger, record=None, print_result=False):
with open(self.path) as f:
self.script = jedi.Script(, path=self.path)
kwargs = {}
if self.operation == 'goto':
kwargs['follow_imports'] = random.choice([False, True])
self.objects = getattr(self.script, self.operation)(self.line, self.column, **kwargs)
if print_result:
print("{path}: Line {line} column {column}".format(**self.__dict__))
self.show_location(self.line, self.column)
except Exception:
self.traceback = traceback.format_exc()
if record is not None:
call_args = (self.operation, self.path, self.line, self.column, self.traceback)
with open(record, 'w') as f:
json.dump(call_args, f)
if debugger:
einfo = sys.exc_info()
pdb = __import__(debugger)
if debugger == 'pudb':
pdb.post_mortem(einfo[2], einfo[0], einfo[1])
def show_location(self, lineno, column, show=3):
# Three lines ought to be enough
lower = lineno - show if lineno - show > 0 else 0
prefix = ' |'
for i, line in enumerate(self.script._code.split('\n')[lower:lineno]):
print(prefix, lower + i + 1, line)
print(prefix, ' ' * (column + len(str(lineno))), '^')
def show_operation(self):
print("%s:\n" % self.operation.capitalize())
if self.operation == 'complete':
def show_completions(self):
for completion in self.objects:
def show_definitions(self):
for completion in self.objects:
if completion.module_path is None:
if os.path.abspath(completion.module_path) == os.path.abspath(self.path):
self.show_location(completion.line, completion.column)
def show_errors(self):
print(("Error with running Script(...).{operation}() with\n"
"\tpath: {path}\n"
"\tline: {line}\n"
"\tcolumn: {column}").format(**self.__dict__))
def main(arguments):
debugger = 'pdb' if arguments['--pdb'] else \
'ipdb' if arguments['--ipdb'] else \
'pudb' if arguments['--pudb'] else None
record = arguments['--record']
jedi.settings.use_filesystem_cache = arguments['--fs-cache']
if arguments['--debug']:
if arguments['redo'] or arguments['show']:
t = TestCase.from_cache(record)
if arguments['show']:
elif arguments['run']:
arguments['<operation>'], arguments['<path>'],
int(arguments['<line>']), int(arguments['<column>'])
).run(debugger, print_result=True)
for _ in range(int(arguments['--maxtries'])):
t = TestCase.generate(arguments['<path>'] or '.')
if arguments['-s']:
print('%s %s %s %s ' % (t.operation, t.path, t.line, t.column))
print('.', end=''), record)
if __name__ == '__main__':
arguments = docopt(__doc__)